Book: Electric Propulsion for Boats

Electrical propulsion for boats
A nice book about electrical propulsion for boats. You can buy the book at Amazon.

Yet another book that is not dedicated to renewable energy for boats, but that can help you to install electrical propulsion on our boats. This is the first step to a boat only powered by renewable energy. The author, Charlie Mathys, has many years of experience with designing various boats and propulsion methods. He describes both his successes and the things that went wrong to make sure that you as the reader will not make the same mistakes as well.

Electrical Propulsion for Boats

I want to install an electrical engine in my boat next to the new diesel engine to be able to enjoy the benefits of electrical boating. However a full electrical system is still too unpractical. I intend to use this, as well as other books and advice of course, to help me install a proper electrical propulsion system.

Enjoy reading!

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